What is “time, times and half a time”?, Why are they “dressed in sackcloth and sitting in ashes”?, What does it mean?


 Who are the two witnesses and what could “time, times and half a time” mean?, Revelation 11, Psalms 41, Daniel 12:7 Jose Galindo ( https://ellameencontrara.com/2023/07/01/acerca-de-mi-jose-carlos-galindo-hinostroza/ )  Daniel 12 The end times - The end of times - The Daniel 12 Prophecy fulfillment, Daniel 12:1 Explanation - Daniel 12:1 Explicacion - El tiempo del fin - The end times, it will … Sigue leyendo What is “time, times and half a time”?, Why are they “dressed in sackcloth and sitting in ashes”?, What does it mean?