Large -scale World War is not in doubt it is just a matter of time. Except for exceptions, the human being makes the same error, it is humanity that made wars in the past, humanity has not changed only that it has more destructive weapons.

Large -scale World War is not in doubt it is just a matter of time. Except for exceptions, the human being makes the same error, it is humanity that made wars in the past, humanity has not changed only that it has more destructive weapons.

You don’t need to be a prophet to know this.

Beings superior to the human being have foreseen their future, they have witnessed their wars and they know how everything will end, there are some of those superior beings who want to avoid the inevitable, but the law of life is like this, defective creatures are doomed to extinction, and the fault of many of the human beings is their hostility.

las conquistas del tirano

Observe their fate, unfaithful god, denying justice will not change the just destiny, the creator of the universe planned everything with fairness, even your rebellion was necessary to make the fidelity of some gods notorious.

Denying the creator’s hatred for hostile humans will not change his hatred for them.

The just legalization of the death penalty versus the Roman myths and lies in the Bible. Roman myths in the Bible: Judas Iscariot the traitor never existed. Jesus died on the cross but he did not resurrect.

There is no such thing that the eternal creator loved hostile human beings so much, that he sent his only son to death to favor them, although your Bible says so and millions of beings believe it, believing in lies does not turn lies into reality.

The Bible has lies from Romans who faked gospel, ie: PSALMS 58:10 and PALMS 5:1-12 contradict MATTHEW 5:44-48, preaching for the Bible will cause curse on those doing so : ISAIAH 5:20, if you do not believe me yet, just keep on watching Semjaza.

Even if you intervene on behalf of the hostiles, you will not be able to avoid their fate or yours, Shemihaza, because the great purpose is enemy of yours Shemhaza, that is why you are lost.

Stop pitying and give up Shemihaza!

The great purpose is enemy of yours Shemhaza, that is why you are lost.

No matter how many times you disguised yourself as an eagle trying to hide your snake nature, you never behaved like an eagle Shemihaza, and the eagles devoured you.

 Los 1335 días Los 12 Daniel 12 12 Los 144 x 1000

 La supresión de la rebelión de Satanás y sus ángeles. (El Diablo y sus mensajeros).

 Información de lo que sucedió después de que mataron a los primeros cristianos.

Riddle, what are we talking about?: From the moment you are born they are already accusing you saying: «He was born with original sin and he needs to be baptized.» When your parents take you to their church there they teach you to beat your chest saying this: «I confess that I have sinned and I also confess that it is my fault, my great fault.» If you have enemies who attack you, they tell you: «If you want to be forgiven for your sins, forgive your enemies, remember that we are all sinners.«. If you transgress the doctrines of that church, they call you a sinner and tell you that you transgress God’s rules, I understand that God is an uncreated being and is superior; If justice is a higher value, would God be in favor of condemning the innocent along with the guilty?, That church is the remnant of an empire that persecuted a group of people who respected justice, the Roman empire was a empire that destroyed the scriptures of the faith that it persecuted, however they tell you that that empire converted to the faith that it persecuted and that it began to preach the messages that it persecuted, and they also tell you that in the Bible that they have accepted there are the messages that they persecuted but that they later dedicated themselves to defending, I ask you, do you believe them?, Do they seem trustworthy to you?, If you are righteous, why should you join a group of people whose conscience does accuse them of being unrighteous?, If you are righteous, the best thing you can do is not to carry in your shoulders the blame of others, it is not in your best interest to carry the burden of those unjust who do injustice but who believe that they will be forgiven for following rules handed down from other unjust people and for spreading their lies. Answer: We are talking about the religion of the Devil, the one whom the Romans of the past have worshiped: Man, Zeus, the sun (Triumvirate of the Romans). Among the Romans, Sol Invictus was worshiped, the «Sun Invincible», whose festival was celebrated on the occasion of the solstice of winter on December 25, when, it was believed, it was the coldest night long and, from then on, the sun began to rise again. Exodus 20:5 You shall not bow down to any image to honor it, I am Yahweh your God, a jealous God who hates those who hate him and loves those who love him. Yahweh does not love his enemies: Matthew 5:38-48 is a lie of the Roman beast empire, that empire did not respected neither the commandment, nor the message, nor the physical appearance of Christ: they defamed him with the image of «a Sun made man», in order to continue the idolatry to images of the Sun that the Roman Empire already worshiped when they killed him.

I do what they would do (Revelation 12:7), I fight against the false testimonies against God, and the Bible includes those false testimonies, that’s why Revelation 12:9 says what it says: the Bible is part of that world deception. With these words: Revelation 22:18 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will bring upon him the plagues that are written in this book. 19 And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the book of life, and from the holy city and from the things that are written in this book. John was not referring to the Bible, the Bible did not exist, John was referring to the true gospel that consisted of cursing enemies, not blessing them as the lie states in Matthew 5:38-48, precisely for this reason he curses to those whom he knew would adulterate the words even of the book of that book that he wrote, however no lie is solid, no saint died feeling love for their enemies who murdered them, this passage evidences it: Revelation 6:10 And They cried out loud, saying: How long, Lord, Holy and True, do you not judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on earth? God is also vengeful, and that passage makes it clear: Revelation 16:5 And I heard the angel of the waters saying, You are just, O Lord, who art and was, the Holy One, because you have judged these things. . 6 Because they shed the blood of saints and prophets, you have also given them blood to drink; well they deserve it. 7 I also heard another, who from the altar said: Indeed, Lord God Almighty, your judgments are true and just. Love for enemies based on a God who loves his enemies is part of the Roman lies in the gospel.

The love of enemies is a deception of the enemy of God, the denial of the law that prohibits the consumption of foods such as pork and bats is also a deception; The Bible has lies from the empire that never converted to the faith that it persecuted, the Roman empire persecuted that faith to destroy it by Hellenizing it. In the version of the gospel falsified by the Romans in Matthew 15:11 Jesus tells us (To deny the law in Deuteronomy 14): «Eat everything because nothing that enters a man’s mouth contaminates him», the Romans are thus accusing Jesus of something that as a faithful Jew he never said: Like Antiochus IV Epiphanes, they had in mind to Hellenize the true religion. The gospel was Hellenized by the Romans, like the face of Zeus, so they tell us with the images that it was the face of Jesus; and the doctrine of the Greek Cleobulus of Lindos is the one that says: «Love your enemy», but they tell us that Jesus taught it: And that is a lie. Antiochus IV Epiphanes tortured eight Jews, seven brothers and his mother because they refused to eat pork because God forbids it (Leviticus 11, 2 Maccabees 7). The prophecy in Isaiah 65 confirms two things: 1 # God loves his friends and hates his enemies. 2# The consumption of pork is confirmed prohibited. Antiochus, the Greek king: «Would you like to eat pork so they won’t cut your body to pieces? (2 Maccabees 7:7).» Zeus, the Greek god: «Nothing that I God did is bad if you receive it by praying to me, are they going to refuse to eat pork?,  worship me all, those who don’t, go to eternal fire (1 Timothy 4:3 , Hebrews 1:6, Luke 11:28, Matthew 18:7).» The phrase: «Do good to your friends and enemies, because in this way you will preserve the ones and it will be possible for you to attract the others.» It is from Cleobulus of Lindos, «love your enemy is another way of saying the same thing», but that contradicts the law and the prophets, Jesus respected the word of God, but the Roman persecutors did not.

The Roman Empire desecrated the Sabbath with the excuse that Jesus was resurrected on Sunday, which is also not true. They have even lied about it because Jesus was never resurrected on the third day, since in the parable of the wicked tenants in Matthew 21:33-44, Jesus himself makes reference to a prophecy relating to his return, that prophecy is found in Psalm 118:5-25, and the events narrated there are not only incompatible with love for the enemies doctrine, they are also incompatible with the experiences of a man descending from heaven among the clouds; he lives on earth and is rebuked by God on earth, evidently because he sins, evidently because he is ignorant at first, evidently because he reincarnates with no memory of his past life, and he reincarnates in the third millennium after his death on the cross (Psalm 22:16-18, Hosea 6:1-3).







Zeus: ”He who is not with me is against me and is the Devil, that bald man is the Devil, he does not accept me as his only savior, he insists on not eating pork, despising my words, he does not pray to my image, he speaks ill of my priests and pastors, he does not blindly believe in me, he hates his enemies, he is vengeful, he does not accept my advice to love his enemies and let himself be defeated (Matthew 5:39, Matthew 15:11)». Gabriel: «Seeing your face is not heaven for me, I am the antonym of your shepherds and priests who dream of seeing your face eternally, you look like those Greeks related to Sodom, in fact you are one of them, you are Zeus. For me, heaven is Yahweh’s blessing: the look and caresses of a righteous woman, the only one I pray to is the one who made us both, and that is not you, Yahweh is the only savior whom I adore, He gives me strength to defeat you, impostor of the Romans!. With your contempt for Yahweh’s law on forbidden foods (Leviticus 11), you insult, like those Greeks who had you as their god (2 Maccabees 6:2), the blood of faithful Jews who died for love of the law of Yahweh (2 Maccabees 7), I hate the enemies of Yahweh, they are mine too, and you will not be able to change my feelings, I will take revenge (Psalms 135:12-17). What has been decided will be done (Psalms 18:37-50). If you are not Satan but me, Why are you preaching love to my enemy Satan?. I hate Satan because I love Jehovah. Jehovah’s enemies are also my enemies, and I hate them.​ Psalms 139:17-22. Your angels dress like those whom Jehovah hates, but my angels do not (Deuteronomy 22:5, Isaiah 3:9), Speaking of which: Why did those men who worship you always draw me without clothes?. Do your men like men? (Genesis 13:13, Genesis 19:4-29, Ezekiel 16:48-50 (Leviticus 18)). 

Don’t be mistaken about me: Don’t confuse me with others. 

Do not think that because I deny the doctrine of “love of enemies” and many other doctrines in the New Testament of the Bible, it means that I defend all the texts of the Old Testament of the Bible: There are serious contradictions in the Old Testament: Ezekiel 18 :23-24 says that God does not wish to destroy the wicked and that it is possible for the wicked to become righteous and for the righteous to become wicked, but based on the messages Daniel 12:10, Psalms 118:18-20 and In my own experience (Psalms 41:4-10), I have come to the conclusion that a person who is unjust can never stop sinning, but the righteous can cease from sinning if he knows the law; In my case, when I was Catholic I knelt in front of the crosses and other Catholic images of that church to pray (the sin of idolatry (Transgression against Exodus 20:5)), and when I stopped being Catholic but I still did not discovered a certain falsehood about Rome in the Bible, I ate pork because I was confident in the truthfulness of a message in 1 Timothy 4 (The sin of committing impure acts (Transgression against Deuteronomy 14:3)). The message in Daniel 12:3-10 contradicts the message in Ezekiel 18:23-24, the message in Proverbs 9:8-10 and in Revelation 22:11 defends the message in Daniel 12:3-10. In the Old Testament, another of the things that do not fit with justice is considering Jacob righteous, as if the victory of the righteous was the victory of Jacob (Psalms 14:5-7), Jacob deceived his father who was blind to usurp his brother Esau and thus achieve that, under ignorance, his father Isaac blesses him and not Esau, that is not what righteous people do (Genesis 27:5-40), but you will see in the narrative how the mother of Esau and Jacob engineered this injustice, which is why the commandment “You shall honor father and mother” (Exodus 20:12) must have exception clauses that I have not found in the Old Testament, but that does not mean that they never existed. , justifying the wicked or condemning the righteous are acts God hates (Proverbs 17:15). As if this were not enough, Ecclesiastes is a book that I have found false, not inspired by justice: Ecclesiastes 7:16-18 says that one must not be excessively wise and one must not be either very just or very unjust, while Proverbs 1:7 and Proverbs 9:9 show wisdom as something desirable and that it is good to be increasingly wiser, without a limit that tells you: “No more than this, you are already too wise”; and also Proverbs 29:27 teaches that there are no shades or grays: You are either white or black (Spiritually speaking: Either you are just or you are unjust): Observe also how Ecclesiastes 7:16-18 invites you to try everything, stating that just by fearing to God, you will be delivered from evil, as if fearing God meant deliberately transgressing his law, (This message is similar to the messages in the New Testament that encourage you to eat pork without feeling like a sinner, but with that Roman falsehood attributed by them to the saints, the Romans insult the blood of people faithful to God who were murdered at the hands of the Greek persecutors, for refusing to eat pork (2 Maccabees 6:18-20), the Romans, inspired by Zeus or Jupiter and their invincible sun god, they have contradicted the clear messages of Isaiah and Moses (Matthew 15:17, 1 Timothy 4, Deuteronomy 14:3, Isaiah 65:4, Isaiah 66:17). In the gospel of Thomas you will see a message that defends the falsehoods in Matthew 15:17 and 1 Timothy 4 regarding forbidden foods. If you read the Gospel of Philip you will see a message that defends the Roman lie of the birth of Jesus from a woman who despite being pregnant, she was a virgin. For this falsehood, the Romans took the prophecy in Isaiah 7 out of context. If you read the book of Enoch, you will find absurd narratives about the laws of nature, and other things that do not add up. For these reasons and more, I wash my hands of both the content of the Bible and the Apocrypha, both as a whole are false, during my ignorance I defended these texts and that is why I thus amend myself of those involuntary errors, which my website from 2004 evidences that I committed it. This page: contains a copy prepared by third parties, of the web page that I created in Geocities, an old hosting service that Yahoo had in 2004, Yahoo’s Geocities already does not exist, and I lost access to my old Yahoo E-mail address associated with that web page, my page had ceased to exist, however approximately a year ago, to my surprise I found an exact copy of that web page, with a URL address similar to the original, I cannot delete or edit that copy, but if you read there, you will find evidence that my interest in religion is not motivated by the interest of amassing money through deception, nor by having a harem of women at my disposal, nor for receiving the applause of the crowds, my interest is based on the fact that I believe that God exists and that is why I seek God to give me his blessing, embodied in a loyal and virgin woman to join her in marriage, not going to Him with lies as Jacob did against his father, but going to my Father with the truth, despite my involuntary errors, my objective was the same: “My interest in the theme of religion started from my previous and current interest in having a fair ( just ) woman.”: Proverbs 28:13 He who covers his sins will not prosper; But he who confesses them and turns away from them will obtain mercy. Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds good, and he obtains favor from Jehovah. Leviticus 21:14 He will not take a widow, nor a divorced woman, nor a prostitute, nor a harlot, but he will take a virgin from his people as a wife. Proverbs 19:14 The house and riches are an inheritance from the parents, but a wise wife is from Jehovah.

Isaiah 42:12 Give glory to Jehovah and declare his praises the coasts. 
Revelation 14:7 Fear God and give glory to him, because the hour of his judgment has come; and worship him who made the sky and the earth, the sea and the sources of water. 

The mistake I made without realizing it, was to deny the Catholic Church, claiming that its doctrines contradicted what I read in the Bible, so without realizing it, I was saying that the serious lies of the Roman Empire in the Bible were words of truth, that’s why God let those unjust people stop me (Psalms 118 “Jehovah has punished me severely but has not handed me over to death”). 


With these words: Galatians 1:6-8 But if even we, or an angel from heaven, announce to you another gospel different from the one we have announced to you, be anathema. Saint Paul was referring to his Roman persecutors who would later assassinate him by beheading him to destroy the gospel that he preached and announce a different one, one reflected in the Roman Bible, to which they converted so as not to change their invading behavior at all. The successors of these evil invaders preach nonsense about the Roman empire transformed into the empire of false religion:





Those imbeciles say that they can do bad deeds but it is enough for them to say that they accept a long-haired man with the appearance of a Greek god, as their only lord and enough savior to be free from God’s punishment, in turn, they affirm that if a person does righteous works but does not accept that long-haired man as his only lord and sufficient savior, he is under the wrath of God, which god? That false God must be Lucifer, indignant with those who do not worship him, but The righteous do not adore or accept any creature as sufficient savior, but only the Creator of the Universe Jehovah! Hosea 13:4 They will worship no Savior other than Jehovah.





I have been a computer programmer, I like logic, in Turbo Pascal I created a program capable of producing basic algebra formulas at random, similar to the formula below. In the following document in .DOCX you can download the code of the program, this is proof that I’m not stupid, that’s why the conclusions of my research should be taken seriously.

If j=447.043 and m=j then m=447.043

The conclusions of my research: The deception of the Roman Empire in the Bible vs. the message of the persecuted in the time of Christ. :

Message for the slanderer and his messengers (The dragon and his angels): God’s judgment is just because God is just (Psalms 100:5, Psalms 110:6), your rebellion is not forgotten (Isaiah 66:24), and it is not forgiven because you have been a repeat offender (Revelation 20:7-8), and you have not repented, you only regret having been defeated (Revelation 12:10), but that you are sorry does not mean that you deserve forgiveness (Psalms 18:41), you have lied against God with your Bible and with your Koran, through those books, with arrogance and hypocrisy you defended idolatry and lies against God, by insinuating that a creature is like God (Hebrews 1:6, John 8:12, John 13:20, Psalm 97:7, Psalm 27:1, Micah 7:8), by denying the arrival of the prophets of judgment from God (Daniel 8:25, Daniel 12:1, Isaiah 65:13, Daniel 12:13, Hosea 6:1-2, Isaiah 42:1-4, Habakkuk 2:18-20, Isaiah 61:1-10, Psalms 2:1-12), by indicating that prostrating before an image resembling a pyrite means obeying a command from God, or by having insulted with the lies in your Bible (Matthew 15:11) the blood of the seven brothers and their mother who died to confirm that God’s law must be respected (Leviticus 11:46-47, 2 Maccabees 7:1-42, Isaiah 65:4, Matthew 15:11), to such an insult against the dignity of that family, with falsehood and great audacity, you associated prophecies that are for the time of the end (Matthew 15:7-11, Isaiah 6:8-13) to your words of rebellion: you have despised the testimony of the prophet Isaiah who preached that the consumption of pork is condemnable Isaiah 65:1-12 and not acceptable under any circumstances as indicated by your lie in your Bible (Matthew 15:11), for these and more reasons (Numbers 35 :9-34, Psalms 5:1-12, Matthew 5:38-48 ); You deserve to suffer eternally because you have been guilty of your own sins and of the sins committed by the righteous (Revelation 20:9-10), because when I fell into sin it was because of you (Revelation 13:7, Numbers 14:18 , Nahum 1:3, Proverbs 17:15, Matthew 13:30, Matthew 13:41), it was never my fault (Daniel 7:25), and that is why I was able to get up (Daniel 12:1), and because I have arisen, I have condemned you (Micah 7:8-13, Isaiah 28:14-15, Luke 21:20, Proverbs 11:8, Daniel 7:26).

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hace 1 hora
Vergüenza los delincuentes poniendo condiciones



hace 0 segundos
Eso pasa por atrapar ratas y en vez de exterminarlas, cuidarlas en cajas, desde las cuales las ratas exigen que sus injustas demandas sean satisfechas, sino otras ratas las sacan o se escapan, para una vez libres, seguir compartándose como lo que son: ratas despreciables. GRUPO LOS LOBOS ENVÍA MENSAJE A NOBOA “ EVITE LOS TRASLADOS DE LOS PRESOS O HABRÁ UNA GUERRA CIVIL”
2 @yivi3185
hace 19 horas
😢q maldad pena de muerte para este depravado!!!
hace 0 segundos
Salgamos del Pacto de San Jose Huánuco: niña de 5 años fue asesinada tras ser víctima de abuso sexual
3 @judasmacabeo2305
hace 29 segundos
Terribles noticias, a luchar las personas dignas por un futuro mejor para nuestros descendientes Grave advertencia de la ONU: «Es la era de la ebullición global»
hace 9 meses
De lo que habla la boca está lleno el corazón, que Dios tenga misericordia de este pobre hombre – @AmigodeYahve
hace 54 minutos
El Papa blasfema al decir que «Dios ama a todos», niega las verdades en Salmos 5:1-12, su acción es el reflejo de lo que hicieron los romanos al falsificar el evangelio y hacer pasar uno falso en la Biblia. La controvertida escultura del papa Francisco tirando a un bebé | El País
5 Azarías 🎩🍷
hace 21 horas
🎉hoy se celebra gente🎉 uno menos 🎉🎉🎉😂
San Gabriel
hace 0 segundos
Es solo una cucaracha de una plaga
hace 15 segundos (editado)
Matar una cucaracha de una plaga no se celebra, la celebración es luego del total exterminio de la plaga de cucarachas, aunque lloren las otras cucarachas que les inventan derechos que la plaga no merece. 🔴🔵VES: Dueño de chifa que abatió a ladrón permanece en la Depincri
6 @JoseGalindo-sy2mj
hace 42 segundos
Tengo entendido de que ahora la policia sigue al justiciero pero no para premiarlo, la ley debe cambiar con urgencia, no solo para aplicar la pena de muerte en justicia, si no también para que en casos como este el justiciero no sea perseguido. 🌟¡Increíble acto de valentía! 🌟 Delincuente recibe su merecido tras asaltar a una joven en SJM 💪💥
7 @JoseGalindo-sy2mj
hace 35 segundos
David, cuando hablas de Jesús y dices que su dios es todo amor, hablas en realidad de Zeus, el usurpador que pusieron los romanos en vez de aquel judío que no comía carne de cerdo, y era leal amigo de Yahvé, y como tal no amaba a sus enemigos, mi OVNI informador está más evolucionado que tu OVNI desinformador. «EL BLUE BEAM EMPIEZA EL AÑO QUE VIENE (2024)- Entrevista con Cristian Contreras
8 @lephilosopheinconnu3952
hace 3 días


5 respuestas
hace 3 días
Ezequiel 33:11 Diles: Vivo yo, dijo el Señor DIOS, que no quiero la muerte del impío, sino que se torne el impío de su camino, y que viva. Volveos, volveos de vuestros malos caminos, ¿y por qué moriréis, oh Casa de Israel?’@elprincipeencomputacion1401
hace 0 segundos
Por lo visto tú lamentas la muerte de ese malvado, ese pasaje es falso porque insinua que Dios ama a los malvados, sucede que Roma falsificó a su antojo la palabra de Dios, mira como estos mensajes indican que Dios odia a los malos: Eclesiatstés 12:3 Ayudar al malo no trae ningún bien,
y ni siquiera es hacer una buena acción… 6 También Dios aborrece a los malvados
y les dará su castigo. Salmos 5:4 Porque tú no eres un Dios que se complace en la maldad; El malo no habitará junto a ti. 5 Los insensatos no estarán delante de tus ojos; Aborreces a todos los que hacen iniquidad. El malvado no puede dejar jamás de ser malvado, dejate de hipocresías y deja a la gente cumplir la sabiduría y celebrar la muerte de este malvado: Proverbios 11:9 El hipócrita con la boca daña a su prójimo;
Mas los justos son librados con la sabiduría. 10 En el bien de los justos la ciudad se alegra;
Mas cuando los impíos perecen hay fiesta. Porque los malvados no se vuelven nunca justos, muerto el perro muerta su rabia: Daniel 12:10 Muchos serán limpios, y emblanquecidos y purificados; los impíos procederán impíamente, y ninguno de los impíos entenderá, pero los entendidos comprenderán. @dennyspoma7269 Extorsionador muere al estallar un explosivo en sus manos
9 @oscarviena4794
hace 20 horas
Por favor la prensa tiene todo el.derecho de publicar y realzar la labor policial, pero a su vez deben guardar la identificación de estos valerosos policías, estas organizaciones tienen aparato logístico y topos en todas partes y su sed de venganza no tiene límites, protejamos a nuestra policía cubriendo  los rostros de ellos
hace 1 segundo
La mejor manera de prevenir ataques de ratas es matando ratas no paseándolas o cobijándolas, pena de muerte ya. Imágenes del preciso momento en que liberan a empresario secuestrado en SJL
  Posts en torno a este tema
1 Videos 031-040 – Asuntos: En el tiempo del fin habrá angustia para todos, pero los justos se librarán del sufrimiento, mientras que sus enemigos lo padecerán sin poder ellos escapar jamás de la calamidad (Daniel 12:1 En aquel tiempo se levantará Miguel, el gran príncipe que está de parte de los hijos de tu pueblo; y será tiempo de angustia, cual nunca fue desde que hubo gente hasta entonces; pero en aquel tiempo será libertado tu pueblo, todos los que se hallen escritos en el libro. Proverbios 11:8 El justo es librado de la angustia; pero el impío entra en lugar suyo.), la confesión del pecado de defender la Biblia se justifica por el hecho de que la Biblia contiene no solo verdades provenientes del judaísmo, sino también muchas calumnias romanas contra Dios, tales como la afirmación de que Dios ama a todos; eso es falso, los enemigos de Dios han acusado con calumnias a Jesús de ser el autor de aseveraciones semejantes (Mateo 5:43 Oísteis que fue dicho: Amarás a tu prójimo, y aborrecerás a tu enemigo. 44 Pero yo os digo: Amad a vuestros enemigos, bendecid a los que os maldicen, haced bien a los que os aborrecen, y orad por los que os ultrajan y os persiguen; 45 para que seáis hijos de vuestro Padre que está en los cielos, que hace salir su sol sobre malos y buenos, y que hace llover sobre justos e injustos. 46 Porque si amáis a los que os aman, ¿qué recompensa tendréis? ¿No hacen también lo mismo los publicanos? 47 Y si saludáis a vuestros hermanos solamente, ¿qué hacéis de más? ¿No hacen también así los gentiles? 48 Sed, pues, vosotros perfectos, como vuestro Padre que está en los cielos es perfecto.), como hombre fiel a Dios y conocedor de las profecías de Isaías, Jesús no pudo a haber dicho esa mentira, ya que es claro que Dios ama a sus amigos y odia a sus enemigos: Dios ama sus amigos: (Isaías 42:1 He aquí mi siervo, yo le sostendré; mi escogido, en quien mi alma tiene contentamiento; he puesto sobre él mi Espíritu; él traerá justicia a las naciones.) Dios odia a sus enemigos: (Isaías 42:13 Jehová como guerrero saldrá, como hombre de guerra despertará su celo; gritará, sí, lanzará un grito de guerra, contra sus enemigos prevalecerá), los que lo hicieron porque no lo sabían pero al saberlo han pagado ese pecado reconociendo públicamente haberlo cometido, pero además denunciando las falsedades en la Biblia, incluyendo la que les he mencionando, serán perdonados: Proverbios 28:13 El que encubre sus pecados no prosperará; Mas el que los confiesa y se aparta alcanzará misericordia.
2 Hay que ser estúpido para revelarse contra Dios, pero el retardo mental no justifica a Satanás
3 «Yo no soy Pilatos, pero yo sí me lavo las manos, soy inocente de la sangre de aquel justo, allá ustedes que se autoculpan despreciando mis palabras.»
4 The free lion seeking to give freedom to other lions
5 El que dijo que Dios ama a los violentos les pide a los violentos que cesen sus violencias. El César se contradice porque decirles a los violentos que Dios los ama es incentivarlos a que sigan con su violencia además de mentirles porque Dios odia a los violentos..

432 comentarios sobre “Large -scale World War is not in doubt it is just a matter of time. Except for exceptions, the human being makes the same error, it is humanity that made wars in the past, humanity has not changed only that it has more destructive weapons.

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