Revelation 12:7-12 – The angel Gabriel vs. the usurper angel.

The angel Gabriel loves the law of God, but the usurper angel hates the law of God and defends the wicked people, and the usurper angels act the same, as they are the other team, and all they have long hair ressembling women. John the revelator left some clues, that he knew would survive the … Sigue leyendo Revelation 12:7-12 – The angel Gabriel vs. the usurper angel.

Have the romans also deceived you with their religion?. The holy pact - the holy covenant extended version with listDownload «I am the hero of the princess and that bothers the scaled villain to whom I say: «Move your statues away from her, unhappy rebellious idolater! The law of my God says: Exodus 20:5 You will not bow down to images , nor … Sigue leyendo Have the romans also deceived you with their religion?.